Technical Assistance


Over 15 professionals and people in recovery from the U.S., Canada and elsewhere have come to Ghana during the past ten years at the invitation of RA. Several more professionals and people in recovery are expected to come to Ghana in 2017, including a group of six to eight people on a ten day service and learning visit in September, 2017.

In 2016, four professionals visited Ghana at the request of Recovery Africa: 

  • Dr. Al Mooney spent 15 days in Ghana from in May/June, 2016. He met with professionals he had met on previous visits to Ghana, and provided training at programs assisted by RA.
  • John Elford came to Ghana with Dr. Mooney and provided five days of training for the staff of the Ankaful Twelve-Step Rehab, the Ankaful Prison, Ghana Police and the University of Cape Coast. He introduced the Sponsor’s 12 Step Manual which is a guide for understanding and putting into action the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. John is expected to return to Ghana in 2017 to introduce his “Get Into Recovery Program”, a course for use at drug and alcohol treatment facilities. In November, 2016 Dr. Mooney and Mr. Elford began their weekly on line step study course. 
  • Chris Budnick and Amanda Blue came to Ghana for four days in September, 2016 to participate in Ghana’s Third Annual Recovery Walk and to study the programs supported by Recovery Africa. Chris is the CEO of Healing Transitions and Amanda is head of their detox facility. RA proposes to establish a useful relationship with Healing Transitions and the Recovery Communities of North Carolina. Both have been invited to send representatives to Ghana’s Third Recovery Walk to take place on September 23, 2017.  
  • Shannon Egan came to Ghana for a ten day visit in October, 2017 to become familiar with program of RA and to examine possibilities of returning to Africa to assist in recovery programs. She is an author, international journalist, and advocate for addiction recovery. Despite training as a writer on humanitarian issues for the United Nations, Shannon prefers sharing her personal stories of addiction and recovery to infuse hope in those still struggling and spread the message that recovery is possible. Shannon built Recovery Africa's current website and is helping with social media and other communication.